Not content with waffling on about comedy for the past year, Funny Looking are now starting our own blog. We really are partying like it’s 2002.
The Flog (as it will be known and eventually chanted) is a place for you, me and any old Joe Sixpack to share some thoughts on comedy. This could be in the form of reviews, opinion pieces or whatever you see fit. We’re definitely hoping for some seedy Robin Ince fan fiction.
“Oh Robin, when you talk about science, it makes me feel things I’ve not felt in years”
The Flog is aiming to be a community of passionate people writing about things they love. Funny Looking is all about championing things that make you laugh, from the God-like Kitson and Lee to the utter glory of CBBC. Our passion is to share these things with others and in turn find new stuff too. It’s as honest an endeavour as you are likely to ever find.
With little to no marketing effort, we are already getting a few hundred listens to every pod and the aim of 2013 is to push this even further. We already have chatted with some surprisingly amazing people including Arthur Smith, Andy Zaltzman, Simon Munnery and Pappy’s so trust us when we say, we’re a bit of a big deal. (Sarcasm)
So what now…
Getting in touch is definitely the first option. You can do that by all the usual means – twitter/facebook/email. Let us know what you want to say and we will hopefully be able to give you the platform to share it.
A few rules…
1. Needlessly controversial is boring. Smartly explaining your opinions and making people think is not.
2. “Women in comedy” comment pieces are boring. Celebrating someone/anyone who makes you smile is not.
3. If you waffle, we’ll probably edit it.
4. Don’t be a dick (this is a rule for life, not just the Flog)
Right, get going lovely reader.
All the best
Gav & Pete